Essays & Talks on Digital Experience & Development for the Future
Delivering Location Experience…
What is your next step into the future?
With his universal background the founder Armin Stross-Radschinski is working with entrepreneurs and upcoming technologies for years. One key to success of the advanced is focusing the basic benefits changing your everyday life to something that you enjoy from the heart.
Be curious for the stuff we introduce ...
Sphinx und FileMaker – Python basierte Automation professioneller Software Dokumentation
ACSR hat den in Python geschriebenen Sphinx Documentation-Builder in FileMaker Pro integriert.
Onkopedia & Der Freitag – Erstklassige Vorträge zum World Plone Day 2013 am 24. April in Köln
Am 25. April fand im Foyer der GfU in Köln-Deutz die Veranstaltung zum diesjährigen World Plone Day im Rheinland statt. Der Python Software Verband und die Plone Community konnten mit Andreas Jung und Timo Stollenwerk zwei Kernentwickler und Plone Foundation Mitglieder aufbieten, die mit den vorgestellten namhaften Webprojekten eindrucksvoll die Leistungsfähigkeit von Plone zeigen konnten.
PLOG report from Sorrento, Italy.
Es war eine fantastische Woche mit dieser faszinierenden Community in Italien gutes Wetter mit guten Gesprächen zu verbinden. Der nachfolgende Report stammt von Maurizio Delmonte einem der verantwortlichen Organisatoren vor Ort.
Project Scaffolding – Projektdaten langfristig managen
Am 12. Dezember hielt Armin Stroß-Radschinski in Köln einen Vortrag über die gemeinsame Ablage von unstrukturierten Daten in einem geteilten oder verteilten Dateisystem. Das PDF der Präsentation ist auf SlideShare verfügbar.
Python Software Verband hat Armin Stroß-Radschinski in den Vorstand gewählt.
Auf der ersten Mitgliederversammlung unter dem neuen Namen Python Software Verband e.V. wurde die Migration zu einer übergreifenden Interessenvertretung für die Programmiersprache Python im deutschsprachigen Raum erfolgreich fortgesetzt. Der neue deutlich verkleinerte Vorstand wird die Anfang 2012 eingeleitete Umstellung von Arbeitsvorstand auf verteilte agile Arbeitsgruppen fortsetzen und die dauerhafte Implementierung dieses Arbeitsmodus unterstützen.
Oixel bieten Vorteile – Ocular Information Xchange Element
Troisdorf, 7. August 2012 – Computer verwenden meist Pixel um Bilder zu beschreiben und zu verarbeiten. Diese sind eckig, fast immer zu grob und liegen an der falschen Stelle. Deshalb verwenden Menschen und Tiere runde Sensoren und bewegen diese ständig durch die Gegend. Geschickt verarbeitet, bieten diese verwackelten Informationen fast nur Vorteile. Armin Stroß-Radschinski hat daher den Begriff Oixel entwickelt, um stärker am Wahrnehmungsziel orientierte visuelle Aufnahmen und Datenformate zu beschreiben.
Wenn Du merkst, dass Du ein totes Pferd reitest, steig ab...*
Die automatisierte Migration von komplexen Typo3 oder Drupal Systemen zu Plone 4 ist keine Phantasie sondern Realität. Auf der Plone Konferenz 2012 in München wurde dieser Einsatzzweck für Transmogrifier im Talk vorgestellt. Der Ansatz ist nicht für die kleine Webseite um die Ecke gedacht. Wenn aber das alte CMS oder ECM zu eng oder zu unsicher wird, ist Plone mit seiner sicheren und skalierenden Architektur erste Wahl. Den Wechsel von PHP zu Python wird niemand bereuen müssen – Versprochen!
When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount...
Automated migration of complex Typo3 or Drupal systems to Plone 4 is no fantasy but already real. During the German Plone Konferenz 2012 in Munich this application for the Transmogrifier migration framework and Plone was subject of a featured talk. The approach is not intended for a small webseite around the corner of the block. But when the current old CMS or ECM becomes a tight corset and or lacks security features, Plone is first choice with its safe and scaling architecture. No one will regret the change from PHP to Python – Promised!
25. April – World Plone Day 2012 in Bonn
Der World Plone Day im Rheinland fand am 25. April erneut in Bonn statt. Wie bei den weiteren parallelen Veranstaltungen in Berlin und Zürich konnten Sie Plone live erleben. Es gab knackige Vorträge und Austausch mit anderen Interessierten, Anwendern & Entwicklern aus Unternehmen & Organisationen.
PSF Python Brochure Teaser on his way to PyCon US 2012
The content collection and layout phase of the Python Brochure project for the Python Software Foundation is finished and the initial translation of the international material into english is waiting for review. The brochure team has published a 12 page half size teaser to give an early preview of some pages of the final product to support the acquisition of the sponsorships.
Plone Community is for the Heart
If you ever have been on an Plone Event you will never forget the emotional strenght of the people behind this community. Since many years there are a lot of conferences, sprints and other events all over the world. Every new visitor is impressed not only by the technical side of Plone but additional Plone is an "ass... free zone" like one long year developer said at the finissage party at, one of the main organizers of the Munich Plone Konferenz 2012.
Video and Slides of the "Content Lifecycle Management" Talk in Munich online
A lot of the videos and nearly all PDF of the talk slides during the Plone Konferenz 2012 in Munich are now online. The feedback of the visitors was overwhelming and everybody is curious if this event re-runs in future years. Evenios and Armin Stroß-Radschinski were involved in supporting the Munich Plone User Group around, and others organising the conference. Evenios had an additional sponsorship and did media support as well.
Content Lifecycle Management – Armin Stross-Radschinski talks at the german Plone Konferenz Munich 2012
Managing the life of digital assets has evident importance for every company today. You can bury your data very easy with cheap storage. Easy storing should save time because only a minor percentage of the stored data needs retrieval later. The challenge is that nobody can apply the filter in advance. Storing in advance is obviously only one part of the solution. To avoid storing twice or more often is one amongst others. If it comes to quality knowledge management is more important than data warehousing, because knowledge is the essence of information. Finally wisdom is choosing the right one(s) from the available answers.
Plone Konferenz – der erste Tag
Der erste Tag der Plone Konferenz München 2012 ist vorüber und hat alle Erwartungen übertroffen. Von den über 170 angemeldeten Besuchern waren bereits 140 Teilnehmer am ersten Tag anwesend.
evenios is sponsor of the Plone Konferenz 2012 in Munich
We are proud to support this great event for German speaking developers and IT stakeholders. After having great Plone tracks at the annual DZUG conferences since 2004 and the regional World Plone Days, this is the first Plone exclusive conference for German speaking people. After the International conference in San Francisco last year it is a brilliant opportunity for one of the biggest parts of the worldwide Plone community to meet up in their home area.
Research during EuroPython 2011 in Florence Italy
During the european Python developer conference EuroPython 2011 in Florence Italy, the Content Scouts of the new Python brochure of the Python Software Foundation did successful interviews with a lot of the well known startups like Spotify or long time players like one of the main sponsors Google. Evenios is the production & publishing partner of the foundation for this international project.
evenios publishing is Partner of the Python Software Foundation for the Production of the upcoming Python brochure
The Python Software Foundation decided to choose evenios publishing as a partner for evaluating the project of creating a brochure related to the Python Programming Language. Python was elected the Programming Language of the Year 2010 and is known for clearness an elegant development style. The brochure is intended to promote the usage of Python in business, science, industry, education, media, government, public sector and charity. Target groups are CIOs and chief developers, scientists and programmers, university lecturers, teachers and students, customers, clients, managers and employees.
German Plone Brochure second edition released on World Plone Day 2011, 27th April
"Open-Source Enterprise-Content-Management" is the Plone Brochures main title. Professional Websites from large to small organisations and companies need secure and easy to use platforms to publish the content with efficient workflows. Plone is the secret gem used by a lot of important websites over the globe. The publication focuses the non technical audience of decision makers and people involved in managing information for the constant growing field of social targets.
DZUG Zope Brochure is going into print production
A new generic brochure on the Python based Zope Component Architecture for developing mature Web-Applications was finished by the DZUG Zope User Group for the german speaking community in Europe. evenios supports the production workflow together with the authoring team Armin Carl Stroß-Radschinski from acsr and Jan Ulrich Hasecke from The brochure contains the register of the DZUG members who provide professional development and support for the Zope platform including Zope2, GROK, BlueBream, Pyramid and Python in general.