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Research during EuroPython 2011 in Florence Italy

erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski Veröffentlicht 26.06.2011 16:45, zuletzt verändert: 19.04.2023 11:41
During the european Python developer conference EuroPython 2011 in Florence Italy, the Content Scouts of the new Python brochure of the Python Software Foundation did successful interviews with a lot of the well known startups like Spotify or long time players like one of the main sponsors Google. Evenios is the production & publishing partner of the foundation for this international project.

Brilliant projects – done with Python

For the brochure we want to present case studies that demonstrate how well Python can be used to implement and run real-life use cases in business, science, industry, education, media, government, public sector and charity. Topics that are interesting to people without having to know a lot about computers or programming.

We were proud to have a lot of long time OpenSource entrepreneurs as interview partners giving excellent insights into the their success with Python.


The pre-release of the brochure will be available at the PyCon US in March 2012 in Santa Clara, California. The ad sponsorship campaign for the production will start end of this year. Stay tuned...


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