Executives get deep insight into technologies
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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VR leads to better discussions
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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Young women using Oculus Rift
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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07.03.2016 17:10
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„Kunst kaufen ist (k)eine Kunst!“
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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19.04.2023 12:27
Kunst ist kein Wirtschaftsgut, sie ist Kulturgut. Kunsthandel versucht den Wert von Kunst in Geld zu messen. Geht aber nicht wirklich. Die Zuordnung ist natürlich irrational und willkürlich. Eine wissenschaftliche Analyse ergibt allenfalls eine nicht symmetrische Transformation. Das Wissen ist de facto wertlos, um unbekannte Kunst zu bewerten.
The Quaive Social Collaboration Platform based on Plone Intranet was released in December 2015
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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26.04.2023 19:37
The Plone Intranet Consortium was proud to release the first production release of the commercially supported Quaive Social Collaboration Platform that is based on the OpenSource Plone Intranet technology. The circle of professional partners behind the Plone Intranet Consortium has invested almost one year, several very productive sprints around in Europe and serious money to make this ambitious project happen.
The Future of Content – Digital Experience Management
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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26.04.2023 18:45
During his talk on Oct. 15th 2015 at the 15th international Plone Conference in Bucharest, Armin Stross-Radschinski gave an insight why CMS Systems should embrace new content and display technologies. Hosting your own content in your private storages and delivering it into the wild on demand gives you full control over the production process. Follow up a history when stories evolved from the campfire talk to interactive virtual reality experiences.
Preisverleihung pymove3D EuroPython 2014 Berlin
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
Dr. Thomas Fabula und Armin Carl Stroß-Radschinski übergeben die Preise an den Preisträger 2014 Mika Greif
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If you´re so smart, why aren´t you rich?
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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31.07.2023 15:54
This question is often raised if you enter the stage of people who want to impress others they don't like with money they are not worth. I will give you some smart advice: Best things in life are free. And enjoying life while bypassing external measure gives you the ultimate freedom to choose the right thing. You can always choose. Schopenhauer encoded it a little strangely for the mainstream.
acsr industrialdesign is Partner of the Plone Intranet Consortium Initiative
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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26.04.2023 19:51
The difference between an Intranet silo and a social connected platform is having the tools on top to point each other at the valueful spots. The Plone Intranet Suite is intended to do exactly that – Having a locally hosted secure Intranet and Extranet and the tools to get things done by exchanging valueful hints and have productive discussions to "take things further".
Plone takes your content into the future – Talk at Plone Conference 2014
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
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17.11.2014 22:12
Is Plone still a serious knowledge- and communication process-management solution for professional enterprise applications? Since 2006 the author is using the system to collect, manage and archive enterprise related informations both for his own customer related business sectors and offering consulting for customer applications as well. The talk will point out for decisionmakers why the Plone system architecture is: Good for the user and integrator – Good for the organisation – Good for the developer.