Simply Digital – Using OpenSource tools managing the life of your very own data
Classic manuals are anchors if electronic media from the cloud is not available. While for a lot of use cases eBooks can be the better choice, a classic book is emotionally more enduring and can be more appreciated. This value is grounded in the very basic instincts of human existence. Personal touching, smelling, tasting are still not reachable by electronic devices – and should not be beyond a certain point!
The documented knowledge for exploring these universes should survive the next erasure of your electronic device. The Illusion of having history saved in digital form is a dream you may awake from too late. So managing your digital life needs skills to manage information and exformation. Yes – getting rid of unnecessary stuff is more evident than ever with electronic collection of data.
Evenios is currently developping a new edition of books aiming at simplifying your workflows using software you can control yourself. You should be the master of migration of your data into and out of every storage you use to collect your electronic assets.
The cloud is nice to move in – but it's nice to know the way out too!
Be curious...
Initially Published December 9th 2011