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acsr evenios VR Greeting Card 2015 EN rev7

erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski Veröffentlicht 18.07.2024 12:25, zuletzt verändert: 18.07.2024 12:29 Copyright 1962-2015 by acsr Armin Carl Stroß-Radschinski – all rights reserved | shared with you as Creative Commons CC-BY-ND-NC-SA 4.0 No commercial use without written consense
This greeting card was send as postcard to our friends and customers at the end of 2015 in a german or english version printed on heavy carton. The cool thing is you can watch it immersive as a 360 degree universe on a VR google device. And its vegan. It is a equirect VR background that can be loaded in panoramic image viewers on desktop, smartphone or VR goggles from DK2 to Apples VisionPro. The source was created as vector graphics and can be scaled up to the size of the universe – enjoy
acsr evenios VR Greeting Card 2015 EN rev7
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