Simply Digital – Using OpenSource tools managing the life of your very own data
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
zuletzt verändert:
26.04.2023 18:46
Keeping your digital life in motion – may have been already recognized as a challenge of its own. While "digital natives" play around with new devices, all other generations are becoming aware of some of the benefits of new media and social media communication. During the transition to a more digital world, classic media still performs out some of the volatile information that is unreachable if the servers are down.
Research during EuroPython 2011 in Florence Italy
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
zuletzt verändert:
19.04.2023 11:41
During the european Python developer conference EuroPython 2011 in Florence Italy, the Content Scouts of the new Python brochure of the Python Software Foundation did successful interviews with a lot of the well known startups like Spotify or long time players like one of the main sponsors Google. Evenios is the production & publishing partner of the foundation for this international project.
Essays & Talks on Digital Experience & Development for the Future
erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski
zuletzt verändert:
25.04.2023 17:02
evenios is focused on premium media & production for the digital century. We think from the future.