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PLOG report from Sorrento, Italy.

erstellt von Armin Stroß-Radschinski Veröffentlicht 09.04.2013 16:15, zuletzt verändert: 16.10.2019 22:42
Mitwirkende: Maurizio Delmonte
Es war eine fantastische Woche mit dieser faszinierenden Community in Italien gutes Wetter mit guten Gesprächen zu verbinden. Der nachfolgende Report stammt von Maurizio Delmonte einem der verantwortlichen Organisatoren vor Ort.

Posted by Maurizio Delmonte at Apr 11, 2013 01:02 PM |

Abstract loves you guys, best PLOG ever. The Plone community rocks!

PLOG report from Sorrento, Italy.

A fantastic five days event is just over, and we can say it was an enjoyable and productive one for most attendees.

The PLOG People.

We met more than 50 registered plonistas coming from Belgium, Catalogna, France, Brasil, Germany, England, Spain, Netherlands, Slovenia, USA, Finland, Norway, Romania and Italy .

Most of the Abstract Team was present, with in front Rosario, Vincenzo and their families. Right, we also enrolled 8 young plonistas - less than 7 years old, actually - and they perfectly fitted in the program! :)

Plone Marketing group

The PLOG Topics.

Many interesting topics have been presented in the Speakers' Corner, as you can find here: http://www.coactivate.org/projects/plog2013/speakers-corner-program

here's a sample of the slides:

The PLOG Outcomes.

As promised, sprinting has been a no-stop activity, with interesting outcomes like this:

Have a look here for a complete list: http://www.coactivate.org/projects/plog2013/project-home

The PLOG New Friends.

We happily met various newcomers, and some of them were genuine newbies with an energic will to learn and join the active part of our open community.

We had a one hour Q&A session with senior plonistas trying to solve our new friends doubts, and then a further session receiving their recommendations on how to get newbies life a little better while starting out with Plone.

Philip at Plog

To all the organizers out there: every time we miss a Plone newbies Q&A session at our events a kitten dies . This Is bad, and completely against any ethic principle of our community.

At PLOG, the kittens were saved :)
Many thanks to Philip, Federico and Alessandro for this!

We'll take care of our kittens also at our local WPD , don't forget to do the same.


#PLOG2013 is awesome. You'll be eating a lot!

Let's have a #theNextBigThing session at every #Plone event

Let's have a newbies Q&A session at every #Plone event

ok, that was probably the most *epic* photobomb ever for a #plone group picture. Well played, @silviotom ;-)

attending as a spectator to a Plone board meeting is not a thing you see every day. very interesting #plog2013 #cool

It's 01:23 here, and there's still about 50% of the people sprinting at #plog2013

collective.geo saved my life

Spaces are forbidden in German

And the winner is...



So Long, and thanks for all the fish!

And a BIG Thank you goes to:

  • Sorrento and Hotel Mediterraneo , amazing and friendly as always.
  • Silvio and Wyn , our network angels , and our heroes!
  • The Abstract Team for their enthusiasm
  • Vincenzo and Rosario for making it happen. You rock!

And finally: all the attendees, without them the whole PLOG could not make any sense :) THANK YOU! And see you next year!

# GoPloneGoPlone !!